Monday, September 27, 2010

My Birthday and some end of Summer Suprises!!

SOOO Sad that summer is coming to an end! Even though it really doesn't feel like it down here in sunny south Florida. It still manages to stay about 85 every day!!! Trent and I have had such an amazing summer, we have made many many trips back to Bama to see our friends and family but we've actually had a few visitors down our way too!!

One of my best friends Emily and her new fiance Jake came down and went to the Dave Matthews Band with us! They had actually just went on a cruise together and when I picked them up at their port, Emily flashed her new bling in my face!! I got so so excited we all started hugging and jumping around and then the police that are supposed to make people keep moving through the pick up line had to get on us to leave! haha! It was such a great suprise and we had an awesome time at the two night DMB show!!

My 23rd Birthday!! Yea!! So I love a birthday, especially when it's mine! ha! We had so much fun getting to celebrate it with some of our friends down here Brittany and Mike! All and all a great birthday weekend!!

GIRLS WEEKEND!! Finally!! All of us felt like it had been years since we had seen eachother, ha! It had really only been 4 months, but to all of us, that felt like an eternity!! We all were able to get together and stay the weekend at Amy's sister, Ashley's Beach Condo!! Thanks Ash!! And any weekend with us wouldn't be complete without a story to leave with, but this time it came in the form of a big suprise from Niki......SHE'S PREGNANT!!! SOooo exciting, my first friend to get pregnant!! and I am super super excited because we'll be living in Georgia by the time she has her baby, so I'll be able to go and visit her and the little one more often!! Such an amazing blessing for the Hayden family, can't wait to see how God continues to bless both you and Jordy!!
We had such an amazing time, and as we always say girls....we truly are so so blessed to have eachother! I have no idea where I would be without each of you, I thank God everyday for keeping us so close, though so far away!! Until the next horah.....

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